
what inspires you?

Everyone has a "happy place". A place you go to get away from it all and just BREATHE!  This bridge (Belton Bridge in Montana) has been my favorite spot to go when I need to "Just Breathe".  This page will be just that.....a place to share inspirational moments, scripture, stories and so much more. I hope you join me i


Winter’s last song?

Looks like Old man winter has one last song to sing before he lets Spring arrive. Ok winter, let the biting cold winds blow and the Beautiful fluffy snow cover the ground. Today I am thankful for a warm home and beautiful view and perfectly content to stay inside and enjoy my home and family. Find something in every situation to be thankful for!


“Coffee with my Father“ excerpt -Missy Olsen 2016

Life is a Balancing Act!

There is something to be said for EVERY stage GOD  takes u through in your life:


Soaking in the word it's like all of a sudden these words in this book aren't just words on a page anymore.. They have come to life! These are stories!!! Did this stuff really happen??? I have so many questions!!!


Be careful not to condemn or be judgemental of those who are not where you are


on a mission gathering an army - be sure you are listening along the way and not mowing anyone down in the process


Remember we are to be a LIGHT to those sinking around us, stay focused on others not ourselves..., it's easy to bask in the glory but it takes a true friend to lift the arms of your brother when he has no strength.

--- gaining maturity learning that peaceful calmness and balance that doesn't offend or argue. No sin is greater than another. Don't become to cynical, it will drive a wedge.  Smoking is no greater sin than speeding, yet it seems to be one of the first things someone is judged for.   When we begin to compare sins... We put our lifestyles in a judgemental position making someone we are leading to The Lord feel as though because they smoke they aren't as good as us, can't compare to the "Christian lifestyle"

God didn't inspire man to write a book about a Christian lifestyle..., He said all have sinned.... He GAVE us LIFE... Do you see the difference? If we are living and accepting that LIFE .... The very Breath of God...then it "becomes" a lifestyle.

Now... You can relax— mature—and share this gift... Peacefully :)
